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3 Ancient Stone Locations For Muning Genshin Impact

Locations of the Three Ancient Stones of Muning Genshin Impact - After the release of the Genshin Impact v2.6 update which presented a new map, Chasm, Genshin Impact players were busy with various missions and quests.

One of them is a mission to find three ancient stones to give to Muning in Chasm. This Ancient Stone was a strange and rare ore that was mined by Chasm. The stone can only be found in the oldest mountains in Chasm. Due to the existence of this stone which is quite rare, resulting in many traders in Teyvat have not heard of this ancient stone.

However, the changes in the Chasm region led to the appearance of many ancient stones in this region. So the traders began to look for him, one of whom was this Muning. Well, for those of you who are looking for a stone for this muning, you can look at the location I gave below.

Three Ancient Stone Locations for Muning Genshin Impact

1. Location of the First Ancient Stone

The first ancient stone is north of Fuao Vale, the location of the stone is at the top of a mountain or hill. You need to climb up to the top to get this ancient stone.

2. Location of the Second Ancient Stone

The location of these two ancient stones is to the north of the teleport point, but the stone is at the top of a mountain or top hill. So you need to go up the mountain first to be able to get it.

3. Location of the Third Ancient Stone

The third location is south of Glaze Peak, and this rock is also on top of a mountain. You can see the location in the image above.

After you get the three ancient stones, then you return to where NPC Muning is and give the ancient stone to him. With this, Muning's quest or mission is completed and you get a prize.

Additional Ancient Stone Locations

That's a quick guide to the location of the ancient stone from the Muning Genshin Impact quest. Hopefully it can be helpful and useful for all of you. Don't forget to keep up-to-date with information and other Genshin Impact guides on this blog.

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